Jeffery Ley

            Jeffery Ley has lived in Lanier County, GA since 2000. He graduated in 2008 from Webster University with a Master of Business Administration and Management. Jeffery graduated with a Masters of Arts in Christian Ministry from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in 2014. Jeffery is a Civil Service employee at Moody AFB where he serves as Chief of Plans and Resources in the 23d Communications Squadron. He also serves in the worship ministry at Northside Baptist Church in Valdosta, GA. Jeffery serves Faith Hope & Love Christian Ministries Inc. filling the Executive Officer roles.

Kristen Ley

            Kristen Ley was raised in Lanier County and graduated from Lanier County High School in 1998. She graduated in 2002 from Valdosta State University with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She has served Lanier County as a Registered Nurse in diabetes management, medical/surgical, emergency, and long-term care. In 2012 she completed the Master of Science in Nursing Adult Nurse Practitioner program at Valdosta State University. She is nationally certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and is licensed in Georgia to practice as an Advance Practice Registered Nurse-Nurse Practitioner. In 2014 she graduated from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Christian Ministry. She has served her community by volunteering in health fairs and diabetic teaching. Kristen leads women and children in various ministries. She has a passion to serve her community and meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Kristen serves Faith Hope & Love Christian Ministries as Medical Director.

Dub Music

            Dub Music is the owner of Music Funeral Services in Lakeland, GA. Dub and his business have served the needs of the Lakeland Community for 41 years. He has served as the Lanier county coroner. He has served as Advisory Board Chairman of Lanier Health Services. Dub’s vast experience working on that board and his knowledge of the community makes him a tremendous value to the Faith Hope & Love Christian Ministries Inc. Board of Directors.

Margret Northcutt

            Margret Northcutt is the PLATO Learning Environment program administrator and instructor for Lanier County High School. She has 28 years of experience in the field of education and many of these years serving this community. Margret volunteers her time and talent to play piano in churches and events throughout the community. She has been a community choir leader for several years. Margret brings a great perspective to the board of Faith Hope & Love Christian ministries Inc.

John Strickland

            John Strickland is an attorney who practices Law in the City of Lakeland and surrounding areas. He is also a Municipal Court judge on the Alapaha Circuit Court. John has served the Lakeland Community as a Lanier County School Board member. He is also a respected member of the Lakeland community. John’s expertise in law and experience running a business serving the Lakeland Community makes him a great benefit to the Faith Hope & Love Christian Ministries Inc. Board of Directors as we serve this community.